Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 37 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 1, 2021

Shamballa, Golden City of the Sun

The Dispensation for the Resurrection of the Cities of Earth

Sons and daughters of God, I AM the Buddha of the flame. I AM the Buddha who lives in your heart, and yet you know it not.

Fear not to come close to the light of Gautama, for I have been in adoration of the Christ for aeons, even before the incarnation of the Word in Jesus of Nazareth. I have adored the light of this Son of God, as you have adored this light. Understand, then, that all are one who adore this light, and there can be no separation of the body and Spirit of God on earth while we are one in this flame of the eternal Christos.

Therefore I come out of the East and unto the West to celebrate the resurrection of the life that is God in you and in every son and daughter who lives. I come to consecrate the flame of Shamballa,1 which is the City Foursquare of the East even as the Holy City focused over Jerusalem and over the New Jerusalem is the etheric retreat of the Lord Christ for the City Foursquare that is to be outpictured in the West as well as the East.

Did you know that there are etheric cities of light, Shamballa, and there is the vision that your poets and sages have glimpsed—the vision, the dream of a city that is to be, a golden city of the sun that was once on earth in the former golden age?

There is a dream of the return to that city in the hearts of the people, even as there is the dream of the return to the life of Christ, to the inner walk with God, when you knew him in the garden as intimate friend and teacher and guide.

There are some who dream of building the cities of the earth, and there are some who dream of the conversion of millions to the way of Christ. Thanks to all who serve as the hosts of the LORD, mankind yet dream of something more than that which is tangible in the hand. And the dream of life and of love and of becoming more of the Real Self is yet a part of souls who have the blessed tie to the threefold flame at Shamballa and to the resurrection fires of the Holy Land.

Therefore we come to increase the dream and the vision of the dream. We come, then, to anchor in your hearts that sacred cube of light and to make known to you a certain dispensation of the Lords of Karma, which is the result of the deliberations at the New Year. This is the dispensation for the resurrection of the cities of earth according to the design of Shamballa and of Jerusalem, the inner retreat of the Lord Christ.

Some of you have been with the cities of the earth only a few decades or for a half a century. Your outer vision does not span the ages, and therefore there is not as great a shock to some of you as there might be if you could realize the immensity of the degeneration, the moral decay, the darkness and the death that is upon the people of every nation because of the negative vortex of energies now concentrated in all of the major cities of the earth in every nation.

Where there is overcrowding, where the conditions of poverty are not alleviated, where great masses are gathered together without the flow of life to God, which would reconsecrate earth and air and fire and water, we find such a concentration of human effluvia that people of light flee the cities and go to the mountains and the countryside, therefore leaving those who are helpless to find their way, now despondent. For the only way out of this vortex of energy is by the God-mastery of the sons and daughters of God.

Therefore know that as I am in the office of Lord of the World, so my sponsorship (as it was ordained by the Lords of Karma and the great Cosmic Council) is to now increase the light action that has been begun by Keepers of the Flame and lightbearers and many children of light in the movements—the onward movements of light forming all over the earth.

As the result of a concerted effort from many quarters and by even those in positions of government who also have the vision, we now meet the offering of souls in incarnation and we say to you that the Lords of Karma and the great Cosmic Council—which determines the future of earth and earth’s evolutions—give into the hands and entrust in the heart of lightbearers that energy, point by point, that comes from the Great Central Sun for the resurrection of the cities of earth.

For every erg of energy that is given in service, in love, and in purity, in the invocation of the science of the spoken Word, in prayer, in meditation—all of this goes forth and reaches the Great Central Sun by reason of the purity of the one who sends it forth.

This energy, then, will make its mark and be recorded in the Great Central Sun, and from out the Great Central Sun there will come on the return current, point by point, that energy that has been given. And it shall be returned, and therefore you can know that for every effort that is made, that effort, then, will be doubled.

And because it is the energy of God, you can know that as that energy comes forth as pure light and gives impetus to the heart that sent it forth, there will be a continual action of rejuvenation and resurrection and a mounting momentum of light that is, as the fountain of eternal youth, reestablished in the hearts of the sons and daughters of God throughout the earth.

You will see, then, that as you prime the pump and give more and more of your energies to this purpose, the return flow from God will reach proportions that are cascading, inundating, and overtaking the darkness of the cities, until by the collective momentum of the people of light on earth there will be a complete turning of the tide of the vortex of the energy veil until from out the center—the very spiritual centers of the cities—there will come forth a positive spiral of regeneration that will be the beginning of the turning of the earth and the cycles of her evolutions back to the way of the resurrection and the ascension and the golden age in Aquarius.

This steady movement of light will come, drop by drop, flame by flame, day by day, and it will increase at such a normalized rate as to enfold and to encompass the consciousness of those who inhabit the cities.

It is our goal that this coursing of energy from the heart of the Great Central Sun to the heart of the Christed ones will not, therefore, result in cataclysm or mass movements or the disruption of the way of life of the nations, but it will be a gradual and yet intensifying acceleration of the Christ consciousness and the Buddhic consciousness so that when one day you turn on your television or your radio or you read your newspaper, you will find that people are speaking of a new life and a new way and that this regeneration is being felt in all fields of endeavor.

There will be a coming together of souls who have had differences and yet the same goal, and you will see how this momentum of energy will dissolve those differences and suddenly there will be a momentum of oneness and of concerted action. And then you will see what God’s plan is for this age and you will feel the response in your heart and in the hearts of many, and especially the little children.

And as you are one with the wise master builders of the pyramid of life and of the golden cities of the sun, you will also recognize the need to call forth that flaming vortex of light that is the cosmic circle of the mighty Elohim Astrea and the rod of energy that is the sword of the sons and daughters of heaven, so as to clear the way and to keep the arteries open and the veins of contact flowing in the cities and from the center of the earth.

And as the energies of darkness are stirred up in preparation for their swift movement into the flame, you will be able to hold the balance and invoke the hosts of the LORD as the mighty cosmic cleanup committee of violet-flame angels and legions of the great teams of conquerors come into the cities to make way for that mighty energy that will flow from the Great Central Sun to your heart and back again, as that arc continues to be a spark across the sky—as a meteor, as a comet, as shooting stars at night proclaim the presence of that life of sons and daughters of God.

And therefore the signs in the heavens will tell of the love of the oneness of our Brotherhood ascended and unascended, of the oneness of souls perhaps separated by light-years in time and space but evermore one by the grace of the Son of God. This is our plan for action and activation of the flame, and therefore you see that Saint Germain has already sent you forth into the cities2 and you have responded to the challenge of El Morya to enter the cities.3 And so you have run as couriers of the chohans of the rays to deliver your messages to the children of the light.

Now you understand the twinkle in the eye of Saint Germain this Easter Sunday, as he is pleased that he has anticipated this dispensation and has sent forth his chelas to clear the way and to earn this dispensation, even before it was crystallized by the Lords of Karma or understood by the chelas in incarnation. Well, after all, he is the great alchemist of the cosmos, the great God of Freedom whom we honor as the liberator of the soul of billions of lifewaves in the age of Aquarius! Therefore you must understand that your Knight Commander might have a plan up his sleeve and in his heart.

All elemental life, who gather at Shamballa in the fires of the resurrection at the turning of the season—from the flow of the flame of Aries to the light of Wesak and the Buddha in Taurus, so in the springtime, in the coming of life and the renewing of the courses of cycles of Alpha and Omega as the twin flames of Gemini—so under these three hierarchies of the spring, all elemental life now sing of the resurrection of the love of the sons and daughters of God. There is rejoicing in the angelic hosts, for Christ is risen in you and in the cities this day.

Let us be, then, the deliverers of the nations by going to the chakras of the nations and opening these sacred centers, as Morya has told you, for a cosmic purpose! Let us open up the chakras of the nations! Let us speak the Word! Let us unfurl the banner of freedom! And let us go where the little children must be rescued from the darkness of death that is upon these cities, even from the hour of their birth. Let them go free! Let us free them from the labor and the burden of bearing all of the weight of darkness that mankind have imposed upon these centers of light.

Why do you suppose, precious ones, that evolutions gather by the thousands and the millions in certain places on earth? Geography does not always explain why population centers increase in certain areas and do not increase in others. The explanation is that underneath it all, and all of the life of the cities, there at the very core is an energy source intense enough to support at inner levels the life of millions of souls. And therefore they come—some say for work, for livelihood, or to be a part of a larger community. But the inner reason for their coming is to tap into this energy source, this forcefield of the Holy Spirit.

This may explain to you why certain cities develop very rapidly. For now and again the Lords of Karma open alternative energy centers in the nations of the earth in order to clear a way for new life and new building so that the children coming into incarnation may enjoy a certain virgin territory for a few decades, until mankind once again pollute the cities, they become overcrowded, and souls must seek another well.

This will explain to you the great increase of the population of Colorado Springs. Since the coming, then, of the messengers and the anchoring there of the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral,4 there has been an energy drawing thousands of life manifestations into an inner circle, guarding these manifestations by the very fohatic keys that are anchored within that retreat. And this guardian action is so that the inner soul alignment of these individuals who are to serve in the New Age may not be contaminated or tampered with by energy fields in the cities where there has been a perversion of the original source of light.

Therefore keep the flame of the retreat. For evolutions in many states benefit directly from that forcefield, and the entire continent receives the emanations. Is this not then true—as potential if not in fact—of every teaching center that is destined to become an ashram and to one day, by the purity of the devotees, become recognized as an outer retreat of the Great White Brotherhood?

Do you understand what this dispensation means—when a group of souls have concentrated a certain space in time to the light, when there is a guardian action, a forcefield of energy, when there is concentrated invocation and a working together in a sacred labor of souls committed to the flame?

Well, after a period [of time], when the cycles have turned and the Lords of Karma review the action of the group mandala, there is a deliberation by the Darjeeling Council and the Council of the Royal Teton and the councils of the very nations who are involved. And one by one there is a review of the disciples who serve in these centers, and then there is the casting of the vote by a certain council of the Great White Brotherhood.

The result of this vote is made known to Alpha and Omega, and the final decision then rests upon the twin flames of the cosmos. For it is they who send forth the flame in the center of the retreat whereby there is a sustaining action of the Great Central Sun Magnet in that forcefield. This then becomes the inner white-fire core, the sacred center for the center of life and for building in the cities, in the nations, as larger and larger circles of individuals benefit from that inner mandala and that inner flame.

This dispensation came to La Tourelle over the past years, after the staff there, and with the messengers, had submitted to certain disciplines of the Law. This retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, then, is an open door whereby souls may come into a closer contact with the etheric retreats and etheric cities of the Great White Brotherhood. It is an open door to the evolutions of earth of maximum import.

And all of you who recognize the meaning of community as the flame of the Buddha for the mastery of space, and as the flame of the Mother for the mastery of time, can see how your dedication, your self-discipline, and your cooperation with the hosts of light can increase the opportunity for the evolutions of this earth to be quickened in the flame of the One.

I AM Gautama, the Buddha of your heart. As you meditate upon me and upon that flame through your own blest I AM Presence, know that I AM with you and that I AM waiting to transfer to you the momentum of my God-mastery, which is for the resurrection of earth and her evolutions.

In the threefold flame of the resurrection, I AM in West and in East the Buddha of the heart of Shamballa.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1977, during the Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The flame of Shamballa. The city of Shamballa, which anchors the flame of Shamballa, is the archetype of golden-age etheric cities of light that exist on the etheric plane waiting to be lowered into physical manifestation. The retreat and city of Shamballa, located in the etheric realm over the Gobi Desert in China, was originally built for Sanat Kumara when he came to earth in her darkest hour, and is at present the retreat of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. In 1981 Gautama established an extension of this retreat, called the Western Shamballa, in the etheric octave over the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch. For a history and description of the Eastern Shamballa, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats. The terms “Holy City,” “New Jerusalem,” and “foursquare” are found in Rev. 21:2 and Rev. 21:16. “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.... And the city lieth foursquare...the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.” The term “foursquare” means the perfect archetype of the four planes and the four quadrants in matter. On March 20, 1975, Jesus consecrated the city of Los Angeles as “the point of the New Jerusalem. I desire to outpicture here the Holy City and the Retreat of the Resurrection Flame that is over the Holy Land.” The ascended masters have also called North America the map of the City Foursquare, the Place Prepared, and the Promised Land for the seed of light, the seed of Abraham.

2. Saint Germain has sent you forth into the cities. Dictating on March 22, 1975, Saint Germain inaugurated a program that resulted in the founding of Church Universal and Triumphant teaching centers in major cities in America. In this dictation Saint Germain called for teaching centers to be established in Washington, D.C. and in Minneapolis/St. Paul. A teaching center in New York City was also established in 1976. Saint Germain asked that calls be given for those who have failed to keep the flame in the cities. He stated: “For as you go into each city, you will find many vacancies in the mandala of that city and that state. And you will find that it will be necessary for you to fill in [that mandala]. And as you fill it in, you will magnetize, by your application to the causal bodies of those destined to serve you, their souls, their return, and their victory.”

3. The challenge of El Morya to enter the cities. In a dictation given on November 23, 1975, El Morya stated that Saint Germain is determined to have “a home of light in the cities, a home of light where souls can be received. So then, where are the stalwart ones? Where are the builders? Where are the pioneers who will have the courage to enter the canyons of New York City and Chicago and all of the great cities of America and the world?” (Pearls of Wisdom, 2020, vol. 63, no. 8)

4. Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral. This name was given to La Tourelle, the mansion in Colorado Springs that served as the headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse from 1966 through the summer of 1976. On April 11, 1971, Mother Omega gave a dictation in which she placed a focus of the resurrection flame in this center and property. Omega read from the scroll of Alpha: “This place henceforth shall be known as the Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral. Let all who enter this place know, then, that they enter unto the laws of the Great White Brotherhood. And so those laws shall apply the same as they do in any other retreat presided over by the ascended masters. The karma is the same, then, for disobedience. Let all be forewarned that to enter this place is to enter into a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood.”

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