Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 64 No. 38 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - October 8, 2021

Be the Saviour of One Life

Peace, my beloved. Peace in the flame of my heart. I have won for you that peace which passeth all understanding.1 I have won for you that peace wherein you can always know that greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.2 Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.3

This is the rejoicing of our resurrection. That which I have done, you can—yea, you must—do also. This is the meaning of original Christianity. Let that meaning, then, be the regeneration of a religion that I have founded and yet that I have not yet sealed. For I cannot place the seal of my flame upon a doctrine that is erroneous or is an interpretation of my life that is unfounded.

And therefore the sealing of the dispensation of the Christed One in us all cannot come until the final writing of all that was conveyed by me unto the disciples, unto John and Mary the Mother and the holy women so that those lifewaves of the sixth root race—whose destiny it is to find grace through the Christ and through my personal flame—might have in hand that portion of the book of life, which it is decreed by God should be unto them the open book and the gospel of salvation unto that soul and every soul who has come under the aegis of the God and Goddess Meru, manus of our dispensation.

You will remember that Mary the Mother took her initiations in the retreat at Lake Titicaca4 so that she might have within her soul the archetypal pattern of the type of the sixth root race.

These precious children of God, then, require the opening of the scriptures, which was given by God through my heart to the disciples who were with me all the way—from the original call of alchemy, the transformation of the water into wine, through the transfiguration, the persecution of the light, the Sermon on the Mount, the challenge of the entrenched order of the day, and then the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension.

You see, that which we sought to accomplish while the Brotherhood worked with me for the quickening of souls was that these few disciples, and the other seventy whom I sent forth,5 might have the acceleration of their God centers so that in the hour of the ascension their energies might also fulfill in the Matter plane that which I was fulfilling in both the Matter and the Spirit planes of consciousness. For those, then, who had proved themselves able to carry the light of Christ in each succeeding level of consciousness—which our demonstration proved and liberated—there was then given the sacred bowl, the chalice of the teaching.

And therefore the opening of the understanding of the close disciples was the opening of the crown chakra, the very same initiation that Lord Buddha gave to his disciples so that the teaching might be passed by the few—not hand to hand or word to word but that it might be passed by the transfer of this initiation of the sacred centers.

Each time, then, that you come together in celebration of those events of masters of the East and West who have overcome the law of sin and death, it is so that you might experience an increment of this acceleration of your centers in preparation for the moment when the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the full dispensation of the mission—the spherical awareness of the life of the master and not merely a recounting of a timeline or the episodes of space, but the spherical dimension of the coming into these octaves of the consciousness of God and the interpretation of that consciousness for lifestreams who must have that interpretation in order to fulfill their divine plan.

This coming together, then, is for the opening of consciousness. For we would set the seal of our being upon a way fully taught, open, waiting—waiting for the soul’s conversion from the finite line and linear thinking to the infinite sphere and spherical consciousness.

This is the only way that the soul can enter into salvation. And therefore the believing upon the name Jesus the Christ or Saint Germain or Gautama Buddha is the acceptance in that name of the inner key, the very nucleus of energy and life that is released by that name and therefore conveyed to the heart and the soul of the devotee as the means of salvation. For in the name of the master, the one representing a certain consciousness of God, there is the opening into the way of salvation for a particular dispensation. And this is why it was written that there is no other name whereby mankind should be saved except the name of Jesus the Christ.6

This name, then, becomes the symbol for that which every son and daughter may become. More than this, it is the name that opens the causal body of God and his grace that is upon me and that is mine to give to all who are in the earth who are mine because God has given them to me.

You who walk in the teachings of all of the ascended masters have moved through the dispensations of the personal Christ (which I have brought) and into the spherical awareness of that Christ, until in that consciousness (whether fulfilled in this life or many previous incarnations) you have come to be aware of the fact that every son and daughter of God throughout all aeons who has ever won the ascension has passed through that same awareness—from the personal Christ to the universal Christ to the oneness of every part of life that is come forth from God.

And so, precious ones—you who now understand that the open door of every ascended master consciousness leads to new dimensions and paths back to the Great Source of Being—you can well afford to be patient with the children of God who require in this age one master and one flame in order to understand, through the mastery of that one flame, the multi­plication of that flame in the many ascended and unascended avatars. For you see, we who are your elder brothers and sisters have been patient with you until your understanding of the One has become the understanding of the many and the return of the many to the One.

Salvation, then, is in the name of God and in his name alone! Salvation is in the name that God has given as the key to the light of the avatars of the ages! Salvation can be found and won through Krishna, through Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, through Mary the Mother and John the Beloved, through Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara, Omri-Tas, Maitreya, and Gautama!

Understand these names as you would understand the combination to a safe—each turn, each number decoding, deciphering an energy field that is precisely for the opening of that door, the very special door that is the requirement of the hour for that individual soul whom God himself adores because that soul is the potential, the living potential of the flame, which he has made. And this is why it was written, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.”7 These mansions are the great spheres of light that have been lowered into the Matter forcefield by the incarnation of the Word century after century. Have you ever thought that your name, your inner name, is the inner key to a number of souls who, because you have given the teaching and become the teaching, have found the way back to their own God Presence, I AM?

You somehow think of the masters as being so far removed from yourselves. You wonder how your poor expression of the Godhead could possibly be the key to spherical consciousness for the few and the many.

Well, I tell you it is so. For you are not very far removed from us and from our Self-awareness in God. The only separation you experience is your own inaccurate assessment of your Divine Self, your Christed Self, and the Presence of God in you. Change your concept, change your perception, and you will find yourself opening, opening, opening for the vastness of a cosmos to flow through you to the children and to all.

Would it matter, then, if your life were lived for the saving of but one soul for the ascension? This would be the great glory of many idle and vain existences, which you have also known. And therefore to be the salvation of one soul is truly to be the salvation of all, for there is but one great Self, one God, and one Life.

If therefore your heart’s love be the key to the rolling away of the stone and the coming forth of the Lord out of the tomb, is this not worth a million years of evolution?

For in that one soul who has become God is the liberation of the full potential of God for a cosmos. For every ascended master—free in God, whom God has freed and who has freed God—is then the opening of the way for all energy of God to flow from Spirit unto Matter.

I bid you consider your role as the saviour of mankind.

I bid you consider your coming forth from the tomb this day as the risen Christ. And if you be the saviour of many, then this, this is the wondrous confirmation of your life. And if you be the saviour of one, then this too is the magnification of the flame.

But this is my question to you this day, and I leave you with this question: If you determine to be the saviour of one life, then why not let it be your own?

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1977, during Convocation of the New Birth conference, held in Pasadena, California.

1. Phil. 4:7.

2. I John 4:4.

3. John 16:33.

4. Lake Titicaca. The retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, Manus of the sixth root race, is located in the etheric plane over Lake Titicaca in the Andes. The ascended master Casimir Poseidon ruled an ancient civilization on the continent of South America during its rise to the heights of a golden age. In a dictation given October 5, 1975, Casimir Poseidon explained that this civilization declined because the people “did not give the glory unto the LORD for every accomplishment of science and culture,” and it was eventually destroyed by cataclysm. Before this took place, he and a band of disciples “withdrew to North America to seal that light, to seal the scrolls of that culture in a place, the point of a pyramid now located in Colorado. And we anchored there the records of the ancient civilization.”

5. See Luke 10:1.

6. See Rom. 10:13.

7. John 14:2.

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